Higher Buck - Waddington

I'd not visited The Higher Buck in Waddington for some time, preferring the excellent ales of the Lower Buck and the fact that we virtually have a timeshare in the Waddington Arms, we're there so often. The Scarecrow festival was in full force, so it was as good an opportunity as any to see what I'd been missing. Lancaster Bomber & Kaltenburg Hell on tap (a bit of a treat for lager drinkers). I'd been assurred that the food was good, but had already eaten. A vague memory of an article in the Clitheroe Advertiser tells me that the cook was from Ireland and eager to make a name for himself, so it could well be worth a try.
Unfortunately there were a few things that were off-putting and reminded me why I'd always go to either of the other Waddington pubs. Firstly the piped music drove me half-nuts. Having to listen to "I will always Love You" while supping your pint sucks all the pleasure out of it. The decor is all over the place, as if they had received a job lot of cheap furniture. New high-backed pine pseudo MacIntosh chairs are next to old pub tables, and the whole place feels cluttered. It looks like they have been to different pubs, got decorating ideas from each one, then stuck them together.
So, if you are planning a Waddington pub crawl, this is the one to start in, rather than finish in.